New Bethel has launched out various ministries along side our mission statement to help us better service our community by engaging with our guests, visitors, family & friends. With God's help and the church's participation, this ministry will be a success.

Power Hour Club - Meet every Sunday at 9:30AM; To provide training for members of the church at all age levels in the love and knowledge of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, in the meaning and understanding of the Bible as God’s word, and to help them grow in their Christian faith.

Core Club - Meet every Wednesday at 6:30PM; To engage, equip and empower members to become leaders and grow in Christ. 

Students Standing Strong - Is a youth organization connecting students to learn, live  and lead biblical truth. A bible club empowering students to stand strong in their faith.

Sons & Princess of God - For ages 5-17. An organization to empower children to witness, to be leaders, to be comfortable in public speaking and to provide training in the duties, functions and responsibilities of the church.

Young Adults - For ages 18-35. To provide ministry opportunities and to ministere to the specific needs of this age group. Designed also to bring young adults into the mainstream of church life.

Community Outreach - A ministry to share the love of Christ as we serve and connect with the community.

Drug & Alcohol Recovery - A program to implement awareness, encouragement and to mentor designed to prevent or deter misuse and abuse of controlled substances.

Nursing Home - To have a partnership with a facility to minister and glorify God by taking His word and love to residents of a nursing home.

Marketing & Media - Helps to bring the church into oneness, into order, into unity with each other, in order that we may offer praise and thanksgiving to God. To reach the community and members via various communication tools such as social media, church website, zoom and music. Provide advertisements for ministries of the church.


Stewards - To see that the church is financed. To provide ministries to the sick and distressed. Includes a recording steward who keeps the Pastor and church informed about the financial status of the church.

Stewardess - To serve the table of the Lord, and assist in the financing of the church.

Church Treasurer - To receive all funds collected by the local congregation through offering, tithes, rallies, gifts, donations, bequests and monies turned over by local church organizations. To receipt the same and deposit all funds and to provide the Recording Steward with deposit slips and receipts

Trustees - To be accountable and responsible for the property of the local church, including seeing to insurance.

Board of Christian Education - To develop and promote the program of Christian nurture of the church according to the needs of the local church and community. To organize and administer the educational ministry and activities of the church.

The Superintendent - The administrative officer of the Sunday school (Power Hour Club) holds meetings with the teachers and other interested workers and ensures that the Sunday school moves forward.

Christian Youth Fellowship - For youth ages 12-17. To train young people in Christian living, to enable them to enrich their lives through worship, bible study, discussions, Christian service and recreation. To help them solve personal and social problems in light of the life and teachings of Christ. To offer them opportunities for self-expression and exercise in the duties, functions and responsibilities of the church. To provide opportunities for interaction with other youth in facing social problems.

Missionary Society - Consists of women of the church who are seeking to discover the mission and unity of the church in Christ Jesus; make it known abroad and to encourage cooperation, fellowship,, and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the church.

Choir - Provide music ministry for the church

Ushers - Admit people to the house of worship, attend to their comfort and perform other duties assigned by the Pastor or Official Board. 

Lay Ministry - Looks to implement a program of ministry in the local church.